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With over two decades of immersion in the digital marketing world, I’ve carved out my niche as an innovative leader passionate about leveraging online channels to amplify brand awareness, foster customer loyalty, and turn leads into tangible sales. I’m the proud founder of SteerPoint (starting our 20th year), a digital marketing agency that has blossomed through a collaboration with my wife, Kim, and an incredible team of seasoned experts. Now, on a more personal note, I’m a devoted father to two incredible children, Joey and Macky, and have been blissfully married to my wife Kim for over two decades. My journey also includes three transformative years serving in the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, an experience that reshaped my outlook on life and instilled in me invaluable lessons. Known for my unparalleled work ethic, I start my day at the crack of dawn, at 4 a.m., pouring my heart and soul into everything I do until the moment I rest. My dedication is unwavering, driven by a deep commitment to my family, my work, and the continuous pursuit of excellence.

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Companies I have touched during my Journey

Synergy Solutions Exteriors by Window Makeover Pools of Fun Material Handling Exchange Sports World Coal Pick Distillery Roncalli Gibault IVM Inc Certell USDA Walther Cancer Foundation Gallop Brush Co. Verizon Accredited Safety kmG Hauling Earthway wthr Biteharder Braden Chameleon Daigle Oil KLH Speakers Legacy Land Moench Project Lead the QWay Resolvit Temple Tiara RV Walnut Ridge RV The Willy T Carefree Spas Horse Solider IDP Indy Card Stock Lans Family Dentistry MFS ISF Signs Poseidon Kris Powell Tri County Windows Aglaze Avant Garde Limo Barkefellers Ceemless Custom Amish Cabinets Earthworks G2 Group Indy Mobile Coolers Outdoor Protector Priority Plastics Ranger Outfitters